Fertility Tea Blend
Fertility Tea Blend
Fertility Herbal Tea concentrates on both male and female reproductive needs. For the female side of the partner journey, this blend helps to normalize and balance reproductive hormones through the thyroid and adrenal glands, optimizing progesterone by promoting ovulation. The herbs in Fertility Herbal Tea address hormonal imbalances by regulating the menstrual cycle and strengthening the uterus, preparing the body for pregnancy and helping to prevent miscarriages. To create a more hospitable environment for sperm, Fertility Herbal Tea has herbs that increase cervical mucus, making fertilization of the egg more likely. To address the male reproductive system, Fertility Herbal Tea includes herbs which improve blood flow to the pelvis, boost testosterone, and increase sperm count, motility, and viability. This blend also addresses the nervous system by adding adaptogens to balance depression, anxiety, fatigue, and stress-induced insomnia.
Daily for 6-8 weeks, then take a 1 week break
Any type of chronic disease is present, Congested, Have diabetes, Have fair skin and enjoy exposure to strong sunlight, Have high fever, Have hypertension, Stomach ulcer or gastritis, Taking with birth control pills, estrogen supplements, anti-psychotic drugs and other medications that act on the pituitary gland
Ingredients: Ashwagandha Root, Black Cohosh Root, Chaste Tree Berries, Cinnamon, Dong Quai Root, Ginger Root, Nettle Leaf, Raspberry Leaf, Red Clover
Ashwagandha Root: Ashwagandha contains chemicals that calm the mind, reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure, and balance the immune system.
Black Cohosh Root: Black Cohosh Root functions as a phytoestrogen or a plant-based compound that mimics the effects of estrogen. The herb is helpful in regulating the menstrual cycle, boosting ovulation, and increasing implantation rates.
Chaste Tree Berries: Chaste Tree Berries work to reduce levels of the hormone prolactin while balancing both estrogen and progesterone. This causes a reduction in PMS symptoms and a more regular menstrual cycle, boosting fertility.
Cinnamon: Cinnamon helps to improve blood flow to the pelvis and increases sperm count and motility. It is also beneficial in regulating the menstrual cycles and balancing PCOS.
Dong Quai Root: Dong Quai Root has high vitamin and mineral content which boosts red blood cell production and acts as a blood purifier, helping to reduce toxicity throughout the body. It also contains cobalt which increases hemoglobin content of red blood cells, oxygenating the blood. Dong Quai Root balances hormones, especially estrogen due to its high content of phytoestrogens. This herb also contains the antioxidant ferulic acid which promotes sperm quality and viability. Dong Quai Root supports the nervous system, reducing anxiety, balancing moods, reducing depression and promoting relaxation.
Ginger Root: Ginger Root reduces inflammation and increases immunity. The compounds, gingerols, are responsible for improving digestion and stabilizing blood sugar levels. By decreasing blood pressure, Ginger Root prevents the formation of blood clots in the arteries and blood vessels, improving circulation.
Nettle Leaf: Nettle Leaf is full of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals which helps defend your cells from damage caused by free radicals, cleanses and detoxifies the system. With high levels of iron, Nettle Leaf helps to reduce the risk of hemorrhage. It helps to strengthen and tone the uterus in preparation for conception and pregnancy.
Raspberry Leaf: Raspberry Leaf is full of B vitamins, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, iron, and antioxidants. The antioxidants in Raspberry Leaf help protect the cells from damage caused by free radicals. Often referred to as the “woman’s herb,” Raspberry Leaf helps to alleviate PMS symptoms and contains fragarine, a plant compound which helps tone and tighten the muscles of the pelvic area and uterus.
Red Clover: Red Clover is rich in nutrients including calcium, chromium, magnesium, niacin, phosphorus, potassium, thiamine, and vitamin C. It’s also full of isoflavones, compounds that act as phytoestrogens which are similar to the hormone estrogen.